Thursday, May 23, 2019

Mandelbrot and Julia Fractals

The Mandelbrot set and the Julia sets are very similar in the way they're defined. Both are generated iteratively by the equation:

$z_{n+1} = z_{n}^2 + c$

Where $z$ and $c$ are complex numbers.

The Mandelbrot set is generated by starting with $z_{0}=0$ and varying $c$. Each $c$ that causes the iteration to converge to some complex number is part of the set, while each $c$ that causes it to diverge is not part of the set.

The Julia sets are similar to the Mandelbrot set, except $z_{0}$ is varied, and $c$ is constant. Each $c$ will create a unique Julia set.

Both sets can be visualized by treating each pixel in an image as a complex number where the horizontal axis is the real component of a complex number, and the vertical axis is the imaginary component. Each pixel will represent $c$ in the Mandelbrot set and $z_{0}$ in the Julia sets.

Here is an image of the Mandelbrot set that I generated using a small program I wrote in C++

Here is the most relevant function:

std::vector<unsigned char> generateMandelbrot(const unsigned width, const unsigned height, int iterations, double scale, double realAnim, double imagAnim) {
 int offset{ -static_cast<int>(width) / 4 };
 int maxX{ static_cast<int>(width / 2) + offset }, minX{ -static_cast<int>(width / 2) + offset };
 int maxY{ static_cast<int>(height / 2) }, minY{ -maxY };
 std::vector<unsigned char> img(width * height * 4, 255);

 for (int y{ minY }; y < maxY; ++y)
  for (int x{ minX }; x < maxX; ++x) {
   Complex z{ realAnim, imagAnim };
   Complex c{ x / (scale * 500), y / (scale * 500) };
   int i;
   for (i = 0; i < iterations; ++i)
    z = z * z + c;
    if (complexLength(z) > 2)
   unsigned index{ 4 * width * (y + height / 2) + 4 * (x + width / 2 - offset) };
   addRGBA(img, index, static_cast<double>(i) / iterations);
 return img;

Here are two Julia fractals:

And here's the function I wrote for the Julia fractals:

std::vector<unsigned char> generateJulia(const unsigned width, const unsigned height, int iterations, double scale, int offset, const Complex& c) {
 int maxX{ static_cast<int>(width / 2) + offset }, minX{ -static_cast<int>(width / 2) + offset };
 int maxY{ static_cast<int>(height / 2) }, minY{ -maxY };
 std::vector<unsigned char> img(width * height * 4, 255);

 for (int y{ minY }; y < maxY; ++y)
  for (int x{ minX }; x < maxX; ++x) {
   Complex z{ x / (scale * 500), y / (scale * 500) };
   int i;
   for (i = 0; i < iterations; ++i)
    z = z * z + c;
    if (complexLength(z) > 2)
   unsigned index{ 4 * width * (y + height / 2) + 4 * (x + width / 2 - offset) };
   addRGBA(img, index, static_cast<double>(i) / iterations);
 return img;

I was curious what it would look like to vary some of the parameters for Mandelbrot and Julia fractals so I made an animation of it and put it on my new YouTube channel. It turned out pretty cool, take a look:

Saturday, May 4, 2019

Why are V and U orthogonal in singular-value decomposition?

Singular-value decomposition is the process of factoring a matrix $A$ into $A = U\Sigma V^T$, where $\Sigma$ is a diagonal matrix that contains the singular values.

$V$ is a matrix whose columns are the eigenvectors of $A^TA$. A useful property of this decomposition is that $V$ and $U$ are both guaranteed to be orthogonal matrices. So why is this true?

First, it is helpful to know that symmetric matrices always have orthogonal eigenvectors for distinct eigenvalues. This can be shown:

For $\lambda_1 \neq \lambda_2$, and symmetric matrix $B$ with eigenvectors $\vec{x}$ and $\vec{v}$
$\lambda_1 \vec{x} \cdot \vec{v} = B \vec{x} \cdot \vec{v} = (\vec{x}^T B^T)v = \vec{x}^T B\vec{v} = \lambda_2 \vec{x}^T \vec{v} = \lambda_2 \vec{x} \cdot \vec{v}$

Therefore $\vec{x} \cdot \vec{v} = 0$; they are orthogonal. This argument only works for distinct eigenvalues of $A$. How might you show that identical eigenvalues also correspond to orthogonal eigenvectors for symmetric matrices?

This explains why $V$ is an orthogonal matrix, since we will choose to make $V$ from eigenvectors of $A^T A$ with length 1, and $A^T A$ is symmetric.

So what happens when we multiply some vector from $V$ by $A$?
$A \vec{v} = \vec{u}$
$A^T A \vec{v} = A^T \vec{u}$
$\lambda \vec{v} = A^T \vec{u}$
$\lambda A \vec{v} = AA^T \vec{u} = \lambda \vec{u}$

So then $\vec{u}$ is an eigenvector of $AA^T$ which is also symmetric, so we know all of its eigenvectors are orthogonal as well. Notice that $A^T A$ and $AA^T$ have the same eigenvalues, see the previous post for an illustration of this.

We will put all the $\vec{u}$ vectors into a matrix called $U$, and factor out the length of each vector into a the matrix $\Sigma$. We factor out the lengths so that each $\vec{u}$ will have length 1, making $U$ an orthogonal matrix.

We found that the orthogonal matrix $V$ will be transformed into the still-orthogonal $U \Sigma$.

$AV = U \Sigma$

So why is this a desirable property for the singular value decomposition?

Well, here's one way that I think about it.

$A = U \Sigma V^T = \sigma_1 \vec{u}_1 \vec{v}^T _1 + ... + \sigma_n \vec{u}_n \vec{v}^T _n$

In this form, it becomes clear that each singular value corresponds to some rank 1 matrix that add up to form the complete $A$. In some sense, each singular value represents the "importance" or amount of influence that that rank 1 matrix has on $A$.

Since $U$ and $V$ are orthogonal, we know that all the elements in their product will be in the interval $[0, 1]$. So the singular value multiplying each of them tells the "importance" of that particular rank 1 matrix, or how much influence it has on the matrix $A$.

Having $U$ and $V$ be orthogonal matrices gives us more confidence that the singular values express the actual importance of that rank 1 matrix since we know its contribution will not be "undone" by one of the other rank 1 matrices.

To show what I mean by "undone," let me illustrate adding two non-orthogonal bases to express point $P$.

Note the area in red that I've marked with a sad face. Since $\vec{v}_1$ and $\vec{v}_2$ are not orthogonal, there is some redundancy in the direction that they encode. As a consequence, both $\vec{v}_1$ and $\vec{v}_2$ must have larger coefficients to express point $P$, and those coefficients aren't as meaningful because some of the magnitude of each of the vectors only "cancels out" that of the other, meaninglessly inflating the coefficients.

On the other hand, here is the same point $P$ expressed using an orthogonal basis:

Now none of $\vec{v}_1$ or $\vec{v}_2$'s magnitude is cancelling out the other, but they solely tell us information about $P$. In this case, both coefficients decreased, but this won't necessarily be true when switching to an orthogonal basis. The point is to show that with an orthogonal basis, the coefficients carry real meaning so we can make more well informed choices about interpreting them.

In the case of singular value decomposition, it is important to know that the coefficients actually tell us how much that rank 1 matrix contributes to the final matrix. One application of this is image compression. If we know certain rank 1 matrices don't contribute much to the final image, we can discard them. This means the image will require less information to encode with little sacrifice to its visual quality.